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Hi, really excited to play the game, think it's a great idea and perfect for Playdate! I'm having a bit of trouble though unfortunately - sideloaded the game as normal, and I can get to the title screen but then when I try to start a game it crashes the Playdate. Not sure why this would be happening, but any ideas would be really appreciated as I'm really keen to try it out, thanks!

I'm sorry you are having a problem.  I have not encountered that.  When the Playdate crashes could you please press the B button and send me a picture of the debug info displayed?  Thanks.

Never mind, I think I found the problem.  Thanks so much for reporting.

Brilliant, thanks for the quick reply - I'll not be able to try it out til later but appreciate the update and looking forward to getting into the game!


ASCII!  .... brining it back!